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Thursday, November 1, 2007

Getting Started

Still just getting stared with this blog, so expect some format changes. I'll be adding some links and who knows what else. As my profile mentions, I'm a rugby fan and former player, so I may digress into rugby talk here too, besides just business. Which lets me segue into mentioning a great blog I've found. And as soon as I figure out how to add a links list it will be at the top. I'm not a big blog reader, but Saturday's a Rugby Day, a.k.a. A Women's Guide to Rugby, is an excellent blog. The format is great and Blondie has great posts. It is geared towards women's rugby, but I haven't found a blog geared to men's rugby that's as good. If you know one, let me know.

As for business, my next MBA class starts today. Organizational Behavior. Should have lots of stuff to talk about once this gets going. I'm going to Baker College, using the online option. It's a great program and very challenging. Much more difficult, and rewarding, than the traditional program I started years ago.

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